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Friday, January 6, 2012

I love food and dance for the same reasons. There's a beautiful sensation, something to experience, in having the freedom to express yourself. A kind of balance, a harmony, a blend of the interesting and profound in an elegant way, whether on a plate or in a dance routine.

I've never understood well the desire to cook for people - not so much because I don't want to or dislike it, but because that is not the calling for me. I feel drawn to the kitchen to let myself go. It's a mystical experience, a strange sensation. A fulfilment that compels!

I am neither a good dancer nor a good cook. But that sense of harmony, of beauty for me is one and the same. I have a vision that I cannot put in words, but one I feel deeply in my body, in movement - also a vision I taste on the tips of my tongue! It is growing, developing, becoming clearer. As yet, I lack the tools (body) or artisanship (technique) to accomplish it - but I hope, want, desire, to arrive closer to it by the day.

posted by Jared
12:47 AM


Hearty Adventures

Monday, May 9, 2011

So I sent it to a place, in the middle of nowhere. With a big black horse and a cherry tree. Now it won't come back, 'cause it's oh-so-happy. And I've got a hole for the world to see.

KT TUNSTALL - Black Horse and the Cherry Tree

posted by Jared
2:01 AM


Intent and Direction

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us."


So much can happen in so little time. Life really is a whirlwind of activity, of circumstance - both good and bad - of action, of decision. But in the placid moments, I do wonder, this purpose, this planned course of action, is this drive really going anywhere?

Some things seem right, and feel so good. They might tick every point in all of my check-lists. So while there are many reasons I could postulate, people or circumstances to blame, ultimately sometimes even the best things - the right things - aren't really what I make them out to be.

Feelings are strange creatures, and they may very well point us in wrong direction. But they are real and visceral, and cannot be denied.

And so, perhaps, this life I try to put together is not the life that is meant for me. And surely, in letting it go, I also let myself go into the current that will bring me to that better place purposed for me.

posted by Jared
4:45 AM


An ever-present help

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.


posted by Jared
12:45 AM