曲:周杰倫妳 的淚光 柔弱中帶傷
慘白的月彎彎 勾住過往
夜 太漫長 凝結成了霜
是誰在閣樓上 冰冷的絕望
雨 輕輕彈 朱紅色的窗
我一生在紙上 被風吹亂
夢 在遠方 化成一縷香
隨風飄散 妳的模樣菊花殘 滿地傷 妳的笑容已泛黃
花落人斷腸 我心事靜靜躺
北風亂 夜未央 妳的影子剪不斷
徒留我孤單 在湖面 成雙花 已向晚 飄落了燦爛
凋謝的世道上 命運不堪
愁 莫渡江 秋心拆兩半
怕妳上不了岸 一輩子搖晃
誰 的江山 馬蹄聲狂亂
我一身的戎裝 呼嘯滄桑
天 微微亮 妳輕聲的嘆
一夜惆悵 如此委婉
Yes I know I don't like chinese. But I like poetry, and good lyrics. And music that makes people sit down and listen without being overly self-indulgent or depressing. So er, flower beds it is for me.
Hai Tian Lo @ Pan Pacific on friday night was the highlight of the week. Good food in a splendid setting with raucous friends makes for a jolly good time. (:
It's quite amusing how the people who can't speak chinese well, if at all, were picking the dishes. But I think we made some good choices. Even if we almost over ordered. Peking duck, meat platters, scallops (with green things and white things!), tofu, spare ribs, etc. Loved the duck most. Loved the scallops with the small white things too (diced lobster wow). Ribs were ordinary. Tofu was good.
It's the company that stood out though. With all the laughing and the absolute absurdity of some of the things they did (handover ceremony in front of the hai tian lo signboard), I really hope we can make this happen every year. Kudos to SW for organising and getting the venue. Loved it.
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